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Pastor Bill Jenkins is an award-winning author. His goal is to share biblical truths that will inform, inspire, and reveal God's plan for your life. His books are not based on his opinion but on biblical truths discovered through prayer and study.

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The Prophetic Almanac 2025

There are approximately 31,102 verses in the Bible and every one of them can send us a message from God to know His perfect will for our personal lives. If every verse is important, then every word is important. Some words are more descriptive and definitive than others, including scriptures with colors, names, places, people, symbols, and yes even...numbers. I'm using the number 25 in this book as a map to help guide us to discover God's will for 2025. This is not magic or numerology; this is wisdom, and it pleases the Lord when we seek Him to understand His will.


In this book you will learn:

-Prophetic principles to cling to in 2025

-Key scriptures for 2025

-God's prophetic plan and vision for 2025

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 25

-Specific sates, places, and people to watch in 2025

-What it means to be born on the 25th day of the month

-How each chapter 25 of the books of the Bible provide wisdom & guidance for 2025

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The Prophetic Almanac For 2024
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This is the 10th Anniversary Edition of The Prophetic Almanac where I have been releasing information, inspiration, and divine revelation. For a full decade, I have been giving the people of God a spiritual alternative to the secular Farmer's Almanac and releasing a vision that creates a spiritual picture for the future to the number 24 in the Bible and study it in an innovative way. I will dig deep into the Word of God to search and find the secrets of success for 2024. I want to be clear that what I am giving you is not a spiritual guess or some weird, Christian calculation to release a new revelation. ​


In this book you will learn:

-Key scriptures for 2024

-God's prophetic plan and vision for 2024

-A spiritual forecast for the United States in 2024

-Specific dates, places, and people to watch in 2024

-What it means to be born on the 24th day of the month

-God's commands for His church in 2024

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 24

-How each chapter 24 of the books of the Bible provide

  wisdom and guidance for 2024

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After privately preparing for 30 years, then overcoming the enemy in the wilderness for 40 days, Jesus gave his first message to the people on a mountain. This very first sermon was on attitudes. An attitude is a feeling or emotion that gets established in your mind which affects your behavior. So, a beatitude is simply defined as an attitude that ‘ought to be’ in our daily lives. Jesus gave these beatitudes as a road map to establish a solid foundation in our lives and guide us into victory. Jesus was teaching us that if our outward conduct is going to change, our inward character must change. This book will reveal the importance of having a good attitude to walk in victory over the flesh.​


In this book you will learn:

-Eight Kingdom Attitudes

-How Your Attitudes Affects Your Altitude

-The Purpose of Pain

-The Jobs of A Peacemaker

-What Attitude is the Opposite of Each Beatitude

-The Power of Humility

-The Rewards of Purity

-The Blessings of Mercy and Meekness

  And So Much More...

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Lies About Truth and the Truth About Lies
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It is better to get hurt by the truth than to be comforted by a lie. Watering down and sugar-coating the truth is not going to make the truth any easier to swallow. The fact of the matter is white lies, big fibs, devious deceptions, exaggerations, half-truths, and outright falsehoods are all sins. And sin leads to death. Lying has become so commonplace in our society that it is hard to know the difference between a truth and a lie. The Word of God is the only absolute truth that exists, and it is our foundation for discerning honesty and deception.


In this book, you will learn:

  • Why People Consistently Lie

  • The Three Types of Liars

  • Seven Characteristics of Lying

  • Lies the Devil Tells Us About God’s Truth

  • How to Know When People are Lying

  • Sixteen Biblical Consequences of Lying

  • How Even the Truth Can be Twisted

  • Ten Rewards of Telling the Truth

  • What is Absolute Truth

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The Prophetic Almanac For 2023

Have you ever heard of the Farmers Almanac? Well, now you have the spiritual equivalent called the Prophetic Almanac!!! This book will release a spiritual vision for your personal life and a prophetic forecast for our nation, so you can know in advance what God expects of you and what you can expect from God in 2023. This is an exciting book that will not only educate you but will also rekindle your enthusiasm for God. It will school you to rule and train you to reign in. ​


In this book you will learn:

-God's prophetic plan and vision for 2023

-What does the number 23 means when it is mentioned in the Bible

-What it means to be born on the 23rd day of the month

-God's commands for His church for 2023

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 23

-How each chapter 23 of the books of the Bible provide wisdom and guidance for 2023

-Key Scriptures For 2023

-Specific dates, places, and people to watch in 2023

-A spiritual forecast for the United States in 2023

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The Prophetic Almanac For 2022

Have you ever heard of the Farmers Almanac? Well, now you have the spiritual equivalent called the Prophetic Almanac!!! This book will release a spiritual vision for your personal life and a prophetic forecast for our nation, so you can know in advance what God expects of you and what you can expect from God in 2022. This is an exciting book that will not only educate you but will also rekindle your enthusiasm for God. It will school you to rule and train you to reign in. ​


In this book you will learn:

-God's prophetic plan and vision for 2022

-What the number 22 means when it is mentioned in the Bible

-What it means to be born on the 22nd day of the month

-God's commands for His church for 2022

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 22

-How each chapter 22 of the books of the Bible provide wisdom and guidance for 20222

-Key Scriptures For 2022

-Specific dates, places, and people to watch in 2022

-A spiritual forecast for the United States in 2022

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The Prophetic Almanac For 2021

As you enter the 21st year of the 21st-century, it is important to know what God expects of you and what you can expect of God. After such an abnormal year of change, you have a blank slate to go to God and have Him order your steps. You have a chance to prioritize your life and allow God to fill in the blanks. Let this book reveal to you what is to come in 2021 and how to make an application of it. The insight in this book will release inspiration, information, and divine revelation that will help connect you to God and provide direction in 2021.


In this book you will learn:

-God's prophetic plan and vision for 2021

-What the number 21 means when it is mentioned in the Bible

-What it means to be born on the 21st day of the month

-God's commands for His church for 2021

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 21

-A spiritual forecast for the United States in 2021

-How each chapter 21 of the books of the Bible provide wisdom and guidance for 2021

-Key Scriptures For 2021

-Specific dates, places, and people to watch in 2021

-The 21 Personal "must do's" for 2021

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The Rapture Manifesto is not for the faithful, God-fearing, church-going, the person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This book is for those who have rebelled against God, ignored His requests to go to church, and neglected to have a relationship with the Lord. You were wrong and now you are going to have to suffer through seven years of Great Tribulation in order to be saved. This book is your second chance. Do not blow it!


In this book you will learn:

-What the Rapture really means

-What happens now that you have been "left behind"

-What survival supplies are needed

-Characteristics of the Anti-Christ

-What the 21 judgments of the Tribulation are

-Survival strategies to make it through the Tribulation

-What the battle of Armageddon is all about

-How to be saved if you missed the Rapture

The Rapture Manifesto
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As we enter a New Decade, it is important to know what God expects of us and what we can expect of God as we are launched into a New Era. If you are tired of feeling like you are on the outside looking in, or if your vision for your future is unclear, this book can be the spiritual glasses to help you see exactly what God is up to in 2020.


In this book you will learn:

-God's prophetic plan and vision for 2020

-What the number 20 means when it is mentioned in the Bible

-What it means to be born on the 20th day of the month

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 20

-Key Scriptures For 2020

-How each chapter 20 of the different books of the Bible are keys to 

  your success

-Specific dates, places, and people to watch in 2020

-A spiritual forecast for the United States of America

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20/20 Vision: A Spiritual Forecast for 2020

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The word devotion means to be totally dedicated and loyal to a certain cause or a specific person.  A devotional is a spiritual tool that can be used to help you achieve a goal.  This devotional is designed to help you to close the gap, and minimize the distance, in your walk with the Lord.  Your relationship with God should be of the utmost importance, and can only be improved through daily interaction with the Lord.


In this book you will learn:

-Have a 365 daily devotional

-Read through the Bible in a year

-How to execute a deed along with each daily devotion

-Experience a "next level" of Christianity

-Be driven to discipline your flesh

​-Be able to receive fresh revelation and insight

The Deliverance Devotional
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Decoding Diety is not a complete effort to understand God Himself in His entirety. It is simply an attempt to convert some of the hidden and abstract messages of the Bible into understandable and applicable truth. Christians have an obligation to God to do more than just open up a Bible and read it. We should dig, search, invest, and put effort into obtaining greater knowledge from the Lord on a daily basis. This book has tons of information and revelation that has taken hundreds of hours of study to acquire. However, there is more to be done. There is a lot to be gained from even a shallow first look at the Word of God bur for those wanting​ to dig deep there are many rewards that will be revealed. If you are willing to take the time and make the effort, there are wonderful sides of god yet to be discovered by His people.


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Decoding Deity



​All Christians have been targeted for assassination by the enemy. These assassins are evil spirits are spiritual assassins who are trespassing on Holy Ground. A trespasser is one who unlawfully enters the territory of another. They help to carry out the mission of the enemy to kill, steal, and destroy our lives. Even at birth, the enemy assigns a demonic spirit or an assassin to us that if not detected and defeated will cause us to wrestle with that spirit the rest of our lives.




Spiritual Assassins
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7 churches of revelation, pastor bill jenkins, the end times, destinyland christain center, church of acts, bill jenkins, the prophtiec almanac, senior pastor



"Everything Under the Son" is a heartwarming book that provides hundreds of interesting, one-of-a-kind, and relevant stories, sermons, quips, quotes, illustrations, prayers, poems, jokes, one-liners, etc. It's a pastor's dream and an incredible tool for any minister. But you don't have to be in ministry to appreciate "Everything Under the Son."



Everything Under The Son
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It's all about the...RESET is a book that will help you to REBOOT, REINVENT, and RESTORE your life. If you have lost your joy, creativity, passion, or vision this is a book that will give you direction, remove the staleness of life, and bring a refreshing from the Lord


In this book you will learn:

-Learn the symptoms of burnout
-Discover what "RESET" means
-Identify areas that require a change
-Be given a 30-day devotional to achieve long-lasting success
-Find scriptures that will Restore and Refresh your soul

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It's All About The R.E.S.E.T

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We are living in a prophetic generation where God is raising up people who won't express their doubt, but will exercise their faith! Don't allow your doubt to become a faith in the devil, but give God an opportunity, through this book, to take you from being a question-mark person to an exclamation-point person. 


In this book you will learn:

-How to quit putting question marks where God has already put an exclamation point
-That details follow decisions
-Not to eat everything you are fed
-To stop rationalizing God's perfect will

-How to use sorrow as a seed for your success
-To listen to the voice of God instead of listening to the echoes from other people
-That faith places no limitations on God, and that God places no limitations on faith

Exclamat!on Generat!on
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2019 is an important year for the child of God. Prophecy will be a relevant force

like never before. The combination of the Word of God and the prophetic word is an unstoppable power for those that serve the Lord. Get a spiritual preview of what the Lord has in store for you for 2019.


In this book you will learn:

-God's prophetic plan for 2019

-How the number 19 is connected to A New Era

-19 predictions that could change the world

-What it means to be born on the 19th day of the month

-Fun and entertaining facts about the number 19

-A Spiritual Forecast for each region of the US

-Fascinating and hidden Bible facts

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The Prophetic Almanac for 2019


The New Prophetic Almanac 2018 is an insightful and interesting book that will take you on a spiritual journey, helping to reveal the plan of God in your life for 2018. From important dates to impactful knowledge and a prophetic word for all 50 states, this is a book full of information, inspiration, and divine revelation.


In this book you will learn:

-The prophetic plan of God for 2018 

-Important numbers, colors, and names to watch for during the year 

-Biblical knowledge that will rekindle your fire for God 

-What it means to be born on the 18th day of the month 

-Scriptures that will elevate you to another level of favor 

-Fun facts concerning the number eighteen 

-The 2018 Spiritual Forecast for all 50 States in America

The Prophetic Almanac for 2018
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The Prophetic Almanac 2017 is a captivating book that will take you on a spiritual journey.  It presents the tools to RESET, REWRITE, and REVIVE the plan of God in your life for 2017. With important dates, impactful knowledge, and a prophetic word for all 50 states, this book is full of information, inspiration, and divine revelation.  An opportunity of a lifetime awaits you.  


In this book you will learn:
-God's prophetic purpose for 2017     

-How the number 17 is connected to your prosperity
-The animal of the year and its significance in your life                      
-17 predictions that could change the world                  
-What it means to be born on the 17th day of the month
-Scriptures that will help you RESET your life                
-Fun facts concerning the number 17 
-Fascinating and hidden Bible facts                                 

The Prophetic Almanac for 2017
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Information, Inspiration, and Divine Revelation.  The New Prophetic Almanac 2016 is the first publication in a visionary series.  It offers a fresh view of the times and seasons we are in and will help you become more aware of God's Word and the many significance of it in the current year. 


In this book you will learn:

-The prophetic plan of God for 2016

-How the number 16 is connected to your success
-Important numbers, colors, and names to watch for during the year
-Biblical knowledge that will rekindle your fire for God 
-What it means to be born on the 16th day of the month
-Scriptures that will elevate you to another level of favor
-Fun facts concerning the number sixteen
-The 2016 Spiritual Forecast for all 50 States in America

The Prophetic Almanac for 2016
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fifteen is a prophetic study of the number 15 in the Bible.  It looks at how that number relates to what God wants to do in our lives in 2015. This is not a book about numerology, it's a book full of spiritual insight revealing God's plan for achieving success. 


In this book you will learn:

-God's prophetic vision revealed for 2015
-What the number 15 represents biblically
-How 15 is important in today's world
-Individual numbers have deep hidden messages 
-Significant teenagers in the Bible
-All 42 references of "fifteen" in the scriptures

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7 churches of revelation, pastor bill jenkins, the end times, destinyland christain center, church of acts, bill jenkins, the prophtiec almanac, senior pastor
The Revelation Generation


The Revelation Generation does a deep dive study into the seven churches of 
Revelation. You will be amazed at just what you might have missed when reading the word. Allow me to take you on a spiritual journey as we explore and discover the seven churches together.



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